Monday, September 29, 2014

All You Need To Know About The Hong Kong Protests

All You Need To Understand The Hong Kong Protests That Happened Over The Weekend

What started out as student protests demanding for democratic reforms turned into a tussle with the Hong Kong authorities resorting to tear gas and pepper sprays. The demonstrations turned into chaos as Hong Kong citizens cling on dearly to the fundamental freedom they feel is being taken away from them.
Hong Kong is embroiled in its worst political protest since China took control of the sovereign state two decades ago.

On Sunday, riot police fired tear gas and pepper spray on pro-democracy protestors, including students, after launching a baton charge.

Dozens have been reported injured by the authorities while more were arrested during the protests.

To understand what triggered the protests, one has to understand Hong Kong's "One Country, Two Systems" handover agreement with China.

As Hong Kong 2017 election looms, Pro-Democracy protestors are demanding for the democratic rights that China once promised but does not seem to be delivering.

The week-long protests started on Wednesday with student groups boycotting classes and leading peaceful marches in demand for democratic reforms.

On Saturday, the Occupy Central Movement joined the rally with peaceful sit-ins at government headquarters and financial districts.

Things took a turn for the worst when Hong Kong's authorities crack down with surprising force, leading to chaos. 

Hong Kong government says citizens should accept the deal of election reform offered by Beijing where the Chinese government will first approve the candidates.

The China Central Government has condemned the protest, saying that openly nominating candidates would create chaos. 

They Are censoring information about the situation in Hong Kong from China's cyberspace as The Ghost Of The Tiannanmen Square massacre lives.

Protests have simmered down on Monday, but tension is still high.

The question of Hong Kong's future is a scary thought for its residents - will Hong Kong remain fundamentally free, or will Beijing slowly impose its dictatorial Rule On A Nation That Cherishes Its Sovereignity?

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