Tuesday, September 9, 2014

ENT.: Keiotia Watson Says Lil Wayne Is Her Baby Father And Demands " conducted an interview with Keiotia
Watson addressing the paternity suit she filed in court
last month. According to Keiotia Watson, she dealt with
the rapper 12 years ago and conceived a son with the
rapper. Keiotia Watson is claiming that she told Lil
Wayne of the pregnancy 12 years ago and the rapper
just laughed in her face. Keiotia Watson makes it clear
that she did not wait 12 years to contact the rapper…. in
fact, Keiotia Watson claims she has tried many times to
contact the rapper behind the scenes but got no answer.
According to Keiotia Watson, a judge will make the
rapper take a DNA test to prove he’s not the father to
her 12 year old son. Peep out short interview below.
Fameolous:How are you ?
KW: I am good thank you.
Fameolous: Did you meet lil wayne in Miami ?
KW: I met him in new orleans long after that did you discover you
were pregnant ?
KW: we were talking for a minute , it just happened , i
started getting sick and I found out i was pregnant and
so i called to let him know and he said it wasn’t his
Fameolous: what is your son’s name ? Does he know Lil
wayne is his father ?
KW: Dwayne keshawn brown . yes my son know that’s
his dad , I’m tired of my son coming and asking me “why
doesn’t my father want me” its not right that his other
kids get taken care of and have him in their lives.
Fameolous: has it been hard for you being a single
mom ?
KW: at first it was hard but now it’s not hard at all. I
don’t let stuff like that get to me and I have my mom
and not the only woman that is a single mother ,There
are lots of women out there going thru the same thing
and I met my husband and am married now So im not
Fameolous: So you are married now , How does your
husband feel about all of this?
KW:I told my husband and he was worried that everyone
was gonna be all in our business so I told him I needed
to get the bottom of it all. I want my son to know his
dad and that’s what is important to me.
Fameolous: Have people tried to contact you since you
first came forward ?
KW: no… its on the internet but no one has really
contacted me or anything about it.
Fameolous: I see that you guys tried to notify lil wayne
while he was in rikers . Was that your choice?
KW: my mother did that. me and him were going to court
already and our court date was in sept . but then katrina
happened so it had pushed everything back so we went
to missouri so when I came out here to MS it was the
state of missouri that found him. People need to not
voice your opinion about the details because they don’t
know what’s been going on I been doing this since my
son was a few month old.
Fameolous:Your son is 12 yrs old. What made you wait
12yrs to seek a paternity test ? what would you say to
people who want to know why it’s taken 12yrs old.
KW: first of all they don’t know what’s going this has
been going on since my baby was 2 months old , and
it’s hard because lil wayne moves around a lot so it’s
been hard to get a hold of him.
Fameolous: What are your hopes for the suit and
paternity ? what do you want to see happen ?
KW: I want him to be in my baby’s life and I’m tired of
my son coming to me asking me why my daddy don”t
want me. My baby is smart he knows what’s up and to
be honest we don’t need him. we are good its not about
all that , I just want my baby to know his father.
Fameolous: what do you want people to know about
you ?
KW: I am a good mother. I am married. I take good care
of my kid. someones daughter someone’s sister and
someone’s wife … my child deserves to know who his
father is. don’t judge me every single mom wants their
child to know who their dad is I am not different from
anyone else going thru this.
Fameolous: if you could say anything to Lil wayne right
now what would that be ?
KW:He’s needs to man up and step into his baby’s life .
He comes to new orleans all the time. he should come
by and see his child and stop putting my son down and
don’t act like I’m a bad person because I am not. He
takes care of his other kids there’s no reason he can’t
be in my son’s life !!!

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