Saturday, September 27, 2014

CELEBRITY.: Chelsea Clinton gives birth to baby girl, Charlotte "

She’ll be old enough to run for president in 2052.
Chelsea Clinton gave birth to a baby girl Friday night, tweeting out the happy news early Saturday morning.
“Marc and I are full of love, awe and gratitude as we celebrate the birth of our daughter, Charlotte Clinton Mezvinsky,

Bill and Hillary Clinton both retweeted the loving message.
Clinton, 34, had waited to find out the sex of her baby until she gave birth because, “There are so few mysteries in life… in which any answer is a happy one,” she told CNN in September.
“My husband and I decided we would enjoy this mystery for, you know, the nine-plus months that we were granted,” Clinton said.
“And we are eager to find out what God will have given us.”
Chelsea is Bill and Hillary Clinton’s only child and the new arrival is their only grandchild.
There had been hints the bun would soon be leaving the oven.
“I can’t wait. We’re on watch now,” Bill  who must have been breaking out the cigars when he got the good news said to CNN on Sunday.
I hope by the first of October I’ll be a grandfather.”
President Obama had even gotten in on the fun, jokingly offering his motorcade to Chelsea at a Clinton Global Initiative event in New York City on Tuesday.
“I was just discussing with President Clinton that if Chelsea begins delivery while I’m speaking, she has my motorcade and will be able to navigate traffic,” he said, ABC reported.
Chelsea announced her pregnancy in April at the Lower East Side Girls Club.
It was unclear where Chelsea gave birth, but she spent the week in New York City for a climate change summit at the UN General Assembly.
She and her hedge fund manager hubby Marc Mezvinsky, the son of two former members of Congress, live in a $9.25 million apartment on Madison Square Park.
Chelsea left her $600,000-per-year NBC News gig to focus on motherhood in late August, telling People Magazine that she was quitting “to continue focusing on my work at the Clinton Foundation as Marc and I look forward to welcoming our first child.
The new grandmother, former first lady and former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, is widely believed to be preparing for a 2016 presidential bid.
The infant Charlotte will pass the minimum age of 35 in time for the 2052 presidential elections !!

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