Sunday, September 7, 2014

World's Scariest Virus in The World

The 13 Scariest Viruses on Earth Today

They say these guys have existed since the beginning of life on Earth. As far back as there's a plant or animal record, there are viruses. Life has adapted, changed, grown... and still the virus plagues it. It has been re-inventing itself over and over again in order to outwit, outlast and outplay its victims. 
'sThe virus of today is highly complex and nearly impossible to control or contain. Over the past million+ years, they've developed a level of survivalism and efficiency that is astounding to behold... even to comprend... even as we suffer from their success, its impossible not to admire them. We keep studying, keep trying to find new ways to defeat them, and they continue to calmly mutate around every new thing we throw at them. 

Alive or dead? So far there has been no known form of life on Earth that is not susceptible to them. They are small enough to hide between light waves, too small to be seen by anything but an electron microscope. It can lie dormant for long periods of time, indefinitely in some cases. It is not technically a lifeform, but you can ask the question: is the virus the most successful organism in the history of our planet?

The 13 Scariest Viruses on Earth Today

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