Monday, September 15, 2014

Hilarious College Dorm Room Sign

Upvote the ones that make you laugh, downvote the college dorm room signs that make you sad.

College signs in dorms are the perfect place to learn that everyone who is as equally selfish as you are won't treat you like your parents did when you lived at home.

Your flatmates, roommates, dormmates, RAs, and floormates aren't your parents and don't care about your space anymore than you care about theirs. Funny college signs adorn the halls as much as you would expect them to in a building full of people looking out for themselves and slowly learning that common courtesy isn't the norm as much as doing as much as you can get away with is. 

All these passive-aggressive college notes and even notes from teachers are what happen when you trap people, many of whom are even *shiver* single children, in a giant complex built out of inadequate carpeting and RULES. 

These are the best, most memorable, and funniest college dorm signs the internet has to offer. From ones you've seen a million times to the passive aggressive notes you've missed throughout the years because you have a semblance of a life and need to pay attention at work occasionally.

56 Hilariously Passive-Aggressive College Dorm Room Signs

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