Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Internet Reacts to Apple Keynote 2014

What Netizens Have To Say To Apple Keynote

The Apple Event 2014 happened on September 9th of 2014 and, as always, the Internet had hilarious feedback about the new products being revealed. We got the new iWatch, which is just a watch that has the functions of an iPod Nano with more apps, two new iPhones which are slightly bigger than the iPhone you already have, a new iOS which will stop your girlfriend from checking your texts, and most importantly, a way for you to pay for everything with a quick, mobile solution: Apple Pay! 

Sure, there were lots of people who tried to use the Google Wallet and all those other similar devices that try and do exactly what Apple "premiered" today, but this is Apple. People don't really care what already exists until they make it shiny. 

So, from the release date of the iPhone 6, to pictures of the new Apple Watch, to details on the identity-theft-ready Apple Pay, people had a lot to say about how terrible this year's Apple keynote address was. So from Twitter, to Reddit, to Tumblr and Facebook, here are the greatest things people had to say about the Apple Keynote event of 2014.

The Internet Reacts To The Apple Keynote 2014 Event

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