Thursday, September 25, 2014

CELEBRITY.: NewsPraise God, Drake Gets Emoji Tattoo, High Fives All Around "

And nothing was the same...
Per an Instagram post by Los Angeles tattoo artist Doctor Woo, it seems Drake has an emoji inked on his bicep now. And no, it's not of any Lil B Basedmoji or that guy Flan Emoji from Odd Future. It's that high five/prayer hands emoji. You know the one. (If not, just see below.)

Doctor Woo posted the image on his Instagram Wednesday, as Buzzfeed reports, tagging Drake so we know it's him:

@champagnepapi good times, thanks for the visit #jimjoe6 #wordsofwisdom #shamrocksocialclub.
Toronto rapper also tatted the number "6" presumably to celebrate his new album to be called Views From the 6  as well as the sentence, "Everything happens for a reason sweet thing." We'd say he'll probably regret this but after that Forbes list came out earlier this week, it's pretty obvious he's too rich to regret anything !!

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