Sunday, September 14, 2014

Superheroes At Their Most Emo

Vote up the most emo superhero moments, the ones that almost make YOU sad too.

Emo: overly emotional, angsty, in a state of dramatic sadness. Superhero: a superhuman character, a fictional character who has superhuman powers and uses them to fight crime or evil.

Everyone has those days, those cloudy, sad, woke-up-on-the-wrong-side-of-the-bed days. Sometimes normal people can't handle all the challenges life hurls at us. But superheroes have it even worse. They deal with everything we do in addition to saving lives, finding time to hang out (usually in "teams"), balancing secret identities, not to mention the constant threat of death. Some days they mope and cry like the rest of us. 

Somedays superheroes are emo too

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