Tuesday, September 9, 2014

ENT : Woman Files $83,000 Lawsuit Against Tyrese Gibson For Ruining Her Life "

Singer Tyrese Gibson is in hot and will have to cough up
some big dough if he wants to continue to have a
career. A woman by the name of Cynthia Banks, has file
two lawsuit against in court asking for at least $83,000
from Tyrese for ruining her reputation.
TMZ Reports,
Tyrese Gibson owes more than $83K to a woman who
claims he ruined her life after she wrote a book about his
mom … but Tyrese says the author is the one who’s
guilty of taking advantage of his mother.
Cynthia Banks claims she befriended Tyrese’s mom
Priscilla a few years back … and agreed to write a book
about Priscilla’s 27-year struggle with alcoholism.
Banks says the Gibson children cooperated with her on
the book — except Tyrese, who publicly trashed the
author and ruined her reputation.
Banks filed a lawsuit against him in Texas, where she
lived … but when he failed to respond to the suit, a
judge awarded her $75K.
Banks says Tyrese never paid — so now she’s coming
after him in California. She’s asking an L.A. judge to
order him to fork over the money, which has ballooned
to $83K due to interest charges.
Tyrese says he had no idea Banks had filed a lawsuit
against him, but claims she “bamboozled” his mother at
a low point in her life. He told us, “I did what I had to
do to protect my mother from this woman who took
advantage of her while she was in rehab.”
He added his mother has been sober for 7 years, and the
whole family is standing together “to make sure this
goes away !!!

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