Saturday, September 27, 2014

3 differents types of acne

3 different types of acne 
Acne is a typical dermatosis of puberty. If it touches 90% of teenagers, its manifestations differ considerably from one person to another. Here is a presentation of the differents types of acne, treatment available, and actions to promote good healing. 
3 different types of acne

Acne and puberty: 
Acne is an inflammatory skin disease that is manifested by the appearance of comedones (papules or micro-cysts and blackheads) and / or inflammatory buttons (pustules), generally between 13 and 17 years for boys and 13 and 15 for girls. men are more frequently affected than women, and the area of ​​the body most affected is the face. 

Causes of acne: 
Acne is directly related to increased androgen levels in both sexes at puberty. The production of this male hormone stimulates the activity of the sebaceous glands on the skin. These secrete sebum (lipid layer which protects the skin) in excess clogging the pores of the skin. Hence the formation of comedones (accumulation of sebum). 

Different types of acne and treatments: 
Depending on the type of acne (known retentional or inflammatory), skin lesions differ appearance and severity. The proposed treatments are also suitable for each type, and are on prescription by your dermatologist or doctor for a period of Minimum 3 months. 

Acne called retentional: 
The classic manifestations of acne called retentive, are the presence of points black and microcysts (white or "wheals" buttons). 
Possible treatments administered topically, are: 
Benzoyl peroxide to prevent their occurrence. 
Topical retinoids (derivatives of vitamin A), which help eliminate blackheads and have anti-inflammatory action.

inflammatory acne: 
It is distinguished by the presence of red pimples and inflammation, mainly on the face. 
Depending on the severity of this type of acne, several types of combinations of treatments (oral and local) are considered. Including: 
-Benzol peroxide and retinoids. 
-Local antibiotics and retinoids. 
-Benzol peroxide and antibiotics. 
-Zinc (which reduces sebum secretion) and benzol peroxide. 

Retentional acne and inflammatory: 
This type of acne resistant (no improvement beyond three months of treatment) associates red pimples, whiteheads and blackheads. In this case, isotretinoin, another derivative of Vitamin A (retinoids family) is displayed. This drug is also prescribed in cases of severe acne or "nodular" buttons marked by very inflammatory containing pus, and cysts (face and other body parts).

Tips to reduce acne: 
-Wash his face daily with a mild soap and warm water. 
Focus on non-greasy cosmetics. 
-Avoid scratching or piercing buttons, which can keep the inflammation and delay healing. 
-Sun protection: certain medications make the skin more sensitive to radiation UVA / UVB. On the otherhand, if they dry out the skin in a first time, they promote back acne in the medium term.

Tags : celebrities With acnedifferent types of acneCauses of acneDifferent types of acne and treatments,

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