Saturday, September 27, 2014

celebrity acne : hound imperfection in the foundation!

celebrity acne : hound imperfection in the foundation!
celebrity acne : hound imperfection in the foundation!
Pimples, spots , pustules ... the stars are not immune to these small imperfections even if they are experts to camouflage under the make- up!
Bombs apparently celebs use and abuse of make- up to be the most beautiful on the red carpet. Doe eyes , crimson lips and complexion zero defects ... Many of them can thank their makeup and especially their best friend named " Makeup !" And yes, for many of these starlets, this peach is an illusion and under the flashes of their small projectors (or big !) Imperfections stand the sight of all! What makes damn fun and is very reassuring, is not it ? For your enjoyment ( and ours) , Public released an array of these beautiful not really natural .
celebrity acne : hound imperfection in the foundation!
celebrity acne : hound imperfection in the foundation!

Button teenager :
We've all gone through more concentrated on the face and other calculator stage, other ... ( mother nature is not kind to everyone !) . Problem of hormones that stimulate sebum glands activate and give this wonderful aspect of " olive oil " on the face, yum! In this case , we put Miley Cyrus , Anne Hathaway in its infancy and Naya Rivera (Santana on Glee ) .

The black dot :
In the same line as the button acne , sebum is the cause of this small imperfection. Made near the hair root , it 's hard to pass : it dries and forms these adorable little points for most of the time are housed on the nose ... Located in the middle of the face, hide proves worth lost. In this regard Lea Michele knows a lot !

Pustule alarm bells
Is that we have to all ages, from time to time ! Kind of alarm bell of a casual healthy life, it is the toughest . Cigarette smoke, alcohol by weight, sleep dropper and cleansing absent form the red or greenish spots ... Clogged pores will give heart to joy ! After such an evening , when you look at his reflection that is two finger break the mirror and say " no it is not you the best " as there remains a centimeter smooth skin, it is fair to apologetic to our beautiful face : "Sorry for Party Rocking " ! Is not Rihanna ?
With all the money that stars spend excessively , they would do well to pay a good dermatologist rather than cover of " snake oil " that makes matters worse !
celebrity acne : hound imperfection in the foundation!
celebrity acne : hound imperfection in the foundation!

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