Saturday, March 30, 2013

NEWS--- Two shot in clashes in Kenya’s Kisumu

Kenyan policemen keep vigil on March 30, 2013 outside the Supreme Court in Nairobi where supporters of the Raila Odinga-led CORD alliance presidential candidate demonstrate.
Two people have been shot in clashes between police and the supporters of defeated Presidential candidate Raila Odinga in Kenya’s western city of Kisumu.

The incident took place on Saturday after the country’s Supreme Court declared Uhuru Kenyatta the valid winner of the disputed presidential election held on March 4.

Police officials confirmed that two people had been shot, after supporters of outgoing Prime Minister Odinga threw stones at police in Kisumu.

The election was "conducted in compliance with the Constitution and the law" and Kenyatta was "validly elected," said the court’s ruling read out by Chief Justice Willy Mutunga.

The ruling came in response to a petition launched by Odinga. He had argued that the vote was marred by irregularities and that Kenyatta did not garner enough votes for an outright victory.

According to official results, Kenyatta won 50.07 percent of the vote, narrowly avoiding a runoff election against his challenger Odinga.

Kenyatta, the son of the country’s founding father Jomo Kenyatta, will be sworn in as the country’s president early next month.

Kenyatta, along with Deputy President-elect William Ruto, faces charges at the International Criminal Court (ICC) over involvement in the 2007-08 post-election violence in which more than 1,000 people died.

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