Saturday, March 30, 2013

NEWS ---Princeton alumna, who told female students to get married, defends provocative advice: ‘Find a husband!'

Susan Patton, one of the school's first female students, got plenty of guff over her letter to The Daily Princetonian telling current coeds to ‘Find a husband on campus before you graduate.’ Now she responds to her critics.

Courtesy Susan Patton

Susan A. Patton, a proud Princeton alumna who self-identifies as a living affirmation of the meddling Jewish mother stereotype, raised some eyebrows this week after urging young women attending her vaunted alma mater to be quick about snagging a Princeton man — like her own son.

Princeton women, forget about having it all — snag a man while you still can!
So says Susan Patton, class of '77, one of the first female Princeton University Tigers: hear her roar.
"Here's what nobody is telling you," Patton wrote. "Find a husband on campus before you graduate. Yes, I went there."
This controversial column, which she described as "little more than honest advice from a Jewish mother," outraged countless readers when it appeared in The Daily Princetonian on Friday and then went viral.

Susan A. Patton, a proud Princeton   alumna and the living affirmation of the meddling Jewish mother stereotype, raised some eyebrows this week after urging young women attending her vaunted alma mater to be quick about snagging a Princeton man — like her own son.

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