Saturday, March 30, 2013

CELEBRITY NEWS -- Did India Airie Bleach Her Skin?

I almost did this as a “Sign The World Is Coming To An End!”
I saw it buzzing that India Arie had possibly bleached her skin and the notion was so silly that I dismissed it without even clicking the link. Then, I got an image emailed to me and I had to get to googling.
Before a verdict is rendered, you have to first of all peep the pics!
Here is the Ms. Irie we are used to seeing
People have said she lightened her skin, but here is what she said, dismissing the idea.
Love to all #SoulBirdsWorldWide are you ready for this #SongVersation ?
Personally speaking! I’m happy to say I have NOT BLEACHED my skin LOL! ROTF at the thought.
1. I wouldn’t endanger my health that way
2. i’m so in love with myself I have no DESIRE to BLEACH myself. Lol
3. The GLOW you see IS (magnificent) lighting
4. THE LIGHT you see, Well thats all ME!!
Politically speaking racism/colorism in the black community is a MUUUUUUUCH larger #SongVersation #skinversaton
THAT I’d LOVE to “shed light on”..that conversation IS REAL, …let’s keep talking. #SongVersation #soulbirdsworldwide
Big love to ALL #soulbirdsworldwide
Do you believe India? My heart tells me she’d never try this, but my eyes say she tried. NOW YOUR (ANSWER BY COMMET RIGHT HERE)

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