Thursday, March 28, 2013

NEWS--Police In Kano Avert Another Boko Haram Attack

Another devastating attack on the city of Kano by suspected members of the Boko Haram sect was averted yesterday.
The Commissioner of Police, Musa Daura, told reporters that the command, acting on intelligence, engaged a group of terrorists in a gun battle on the outskirts of the city, wounding some of them and recovering a bomb-laden Golf 3 vehicle, as well as arms and ammunition.
Daura said the occupants of the vehicle instantly opened fire upon sighting a police patrol van.  A gun battle ensued,following which the militants retreated after receiving bullet wounds.
No policemen were hurt.
Daura listed items recovered from the car to include an AK 47 Rifle, Assault Rifle, 238 live ammunition of different caliber, Rocket Launcher, AK 47 Magazines, seven Turkey oil—stuffed with remote-control bombs, two cylinder remote-control devices, 14 hand grenades, four rolls of wire connector and 12 power source.
The incident comes on the heels of preparations for the Good Friday and Easter celebration by Christians world-wide.
Text of the statement by Commissioner Daura:
“On Tuesday, 26 March, 2013, on about 2130 hours, based on a tip-off, our men intercepted a Golf 3 Motor Vehicle with Reg. No. AG 701 KTN at an outskirt village here in Kano.
“The occupants of the vehicle on sighting the Patrol Vehicle opened fire and immediately, our men responded with superior power, which made the occupants to abandon their vehicle and escaped with bullet wounds.
“The intention of these hoodlums was to cause havoc and destabilize peace which will subsequently lead to economic and social sabotage in Kano state.
“However, my men sealed up the whole area with a view to identify and arrest the fleeing suspects. We are urging members of the public to continue supporting the Command and other security agencies in the state to restore the peace and tranquility we have been enjoying in the state for decades.
“We also have to contribute in whatever capacity to unmask the criminals in the state and reduce all sorts of crimes to the barest minimum,” Daura stated.

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