Friday, January 31, 2014

10 Amazing Love Quotes from Movies

Love is a many splendor thing. Love lifts us up where we belong. All you need is love. The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return. - Moulin Rouge. 

#10 Along Came Polly

Don't Expect Perfection from a Relationship
Have you ever heard of or maybe have been in an absolutely perfect relationship? It seems they just can't happen on our planet. Everybody has flaws; every relationship has flaws. Our love is being tested every day and we should prove our feelings every day to keep our relationships alive.

#9 Anna Karenina

Why do We Love
This question seems to have no answer. And do we actually need one? We should just accept this fantastic gift, this great ability to give our care to someone and feel that we are deeply loved back.

#8 A Walk To Remember

Can Love Last for an Entire Lifetime? 
Have you often seen the old couples that look happy and still have the sparks of love in their eyes? Love is a truly powerful feeling that can truly fill all your life. But this will only happen if you meet the right person who will help you understand the real meaning of this magical word.

#7 Before Midnight

Do you believe in destiny?
Has it ever happened to you that you saw a person for the first time and felt that they were your destiny? Do you believe that such mystical moments happen not only in romantic movies?

#6 Blue Valentine

What's the Difference between Men's and Women's Vision of Marriage?
Dean was right. There really are many women who choose their future husbands the way he thought. But not only women do this. There are actually many men who look for rich brides and don't care much about their other aspects

#5 The Flowers of War

We Can't Decide When to Fall in and out of Love
Love is unpredictable. You never know when it will come to you. But what about falling out of love? It is likely that we can control this. We can work on our relationships. We may ask ourselves if we give enough love to our partners to make them feel satisfied with the relationship

 #4 Jerry McGuire

Sometimes, We Have Feelings for Fictional People

Love often makes us blind. We fantasize about our crushes so much that sometimes we lose the connection with the reality. The people we love may seem perfect. But the fact is that such people don't exist. We just should accept this truth

#3 - Love Actually

Be Patient

Sometimes, love requires really great patience. And if we wait, in most cases, we are rewarded with truly wonderful relationships. The result will be worthy of your efforts; just believe in this.

#2 The Lucky One

We Should Be with Our Soul Mates, Together Forever

We all dream about happy relationships that will last for our whole lives. But, unfortunately, not all of us meet that one person who we want to share life with. If you ever meet someone who makes you realize what love actually means, just be with them

#1 The Great Gatsby

We Want to Spend Our Whole Lives with Our Soul Mates

When we meet "the right person," we start to want to share every moment of life with them. And it's natural because time we spend with people who we truly love is the most pleasant time. One minute of looking into your sweetheart's eyes may be more precious than a day spent without them.

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