Friday, January 3, 2014

ENT : Miley Cyrus to Make 'Liar Retract the Statement' of Her Dissing Beyonce " Cyrus laughed off the fake quotes of her dissing Beyonce Knowles and her music, and was intent on getting to the bottom of it. "That quote people MADE UP about Beyonce just made me lol!" the Miley tweeted Thursday, January 2.

The quote supposedly came from her interview with Love magazine for its March 2014 issue. "Beyonce has been a big inspiration to me but she's been out for such a long time. She's so talented and I think she's at the top of the game now but people are always looking for new blood and that's what I bring to the game now, new blood. I got the total package you know, the curves, the rhythm, and the voice. I'm just the best," Miley was quoted as saying.

The 21-year-old singer allegedly took it even further with the diss, saying Beyonce's 2-year-old daughter Blue Ivy was a career downfall. "As Beyonce grows in motherhood and all the crap it does to your body, it will create a vacuum for fresh young faces to rise up and no one else can properly fill that void right now. I got the total package, you know, the curves, the rhythm, and the voice. I'm just the best," she supposedly said.

On her denial tweets, Miley said, "Imagine if I said I got 'the looks and the curves I'm just better!' Bahahahahaha. How are people allowed to make up s**t & then out quotes around it saying I said that s**t! WTF!!?!" She quickly added, "Don't worry. Getting 2 the bottom of this s**t. Making the liar retract the statement. U can cause ALOT of drama but NOT between me & B!"

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