Sunday, January 12, 2014

10 Most Popular Tourist Destination

We all love to travel. Who doesn't? Whether just to relax in a tropical island or a romantic gateway to Paris, it is certainly the way of releasing stress from work or life. So what is the most popular tourist destination that you can think of? Here is the list of 10 Most Popular Tourist Destination you can plan for your next adventure? 
Source: BBC

10. Malaysia - 25M visitor per year

9. Russia - 25.7M visitor per year

8. United Kingdom - 29.3M per year

7. Germany - 30.4M visitor per year

6. Turkey - 35.7M visitor per year

5. Italy - 46.4M per year

4. China - 57.7M visitor per year

3. Spain - 57.7M visitor per year

2. United States - 67M visitor per year

1. France - 83M visitor per year

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