Saturday, February 1, 2014

Lather It All Over

I have a confession. I am obsessed with YouTube. When I say obsessed, I am really obsessed like I can't live a day without watching YouTube. YouTube for me is like water. Or smartphones. Heh.

Anyway, I love watching all of these Beauty Gurus and they will go on and on about make ups and body care and skin care and tea or coffee and the list goes miles long. But today, I am going to talk about the 1 thing that Essie Button (check her out, she is 1 cool chick - her blog and her YouTube channel influenced me so much. Lotions. And I can finish up lotions in a blink of an eye. Well, not literally but you get the point. So you know, I don't really regret buying them because of the fact that I just love to lather them all over my body. Like I L.O.V.E.

First off, my current lotions collection. 

Well, these are the ones that I still own. The rest I have tossed out. My room is so small, once I finish a product, throwing away an empty bottle is such an accomplishment. 

I bought the Victoria Secret's lotions because initially I thought the smell was great. The 1 in the orange bottle claimed to have a scent of white orchid and I was sold. Sadly after using them couple of times, I noticed that the smell although it is so yummy from the bottle, it is not so much on my body. I always known that my body suits the more spicy, muskier scent. Oh well. I still use them. Unfortunately, not so much as I should.

Strawberry scent from The Body Shop is my all time fav! Above is the strawberry butter. I know, strawberry is neither musky or spicy but I really love it so much I have to lather it every night. Like every single night. Of course there are nights when I am too lazy or tired that I skip 1 or 2 but more often than not, it has became a routine. Btw, this is my 5th body butter of the same scent since last  year. Lol. 1 of it, was given from my colleague Adeline. A lot of people I know said that they hate the stickiness feeling from applying body butter onto their body, but I actually don't mind them.

As I was saying, I love The Body Shop's strawberry line and I am not kidding. Above is the lotion that I use every morning, until I ran out of it. Annoyingly the last bit won't come out even how hard I tried to pump or scooping it out. So, I am not going to repurchase this.

To substitute all the frustrations from trying to scoop out the rest of the strawberry lotion, I opt for the St Ives' instead. I bought this because I love the shower gel scent from the same line. 'Oatmeal & Shea Butter', not sexy I know. At first I hated the lotion scent and was absolutely mortified that the scent is not the same as the shower gel which I love so much. But after awhile, I began to like it. It is very moisturising, non-sticky, and I love the consistency. It lathers pretty good. I still do not love the scent though. Once I run out of this, I am going to purchase another St Ives' lotion for sure. With different scent that is.

You can see a small Nivea lotion in the earliest picture.  That, I often bring with me when I am staying overnight at my friend or family's place. Just because it is tiny. I kind of like the smell, but that is it. Nothing really special about it. There is also a passion fruit body butter which smells delicious, but I hate the consistency. Too sticky for my normal skin.

Being single, I always wonder how does this lotion-ing works? What if your partner/husband hate the stickiness feeling and decided not to hug you? That is going to be pretty sad. Like me, I love the body butter but I barely know anyone that love them as much as I do. Apparently it is too sticky, with the humidity in Malaysia it is not something that people gravitate to.

I guess why I love lotions so much is because I love the feeling of smooth skin (and I am a little paranoid that I will be married and have rough skin and my husband then ask me why is my skin so rough? lololololol). I hope my soon-to-be-whom-I-do-not-know-who-he-is-yet will not mind me lathering lotions because in the end, the softness of the skin that matters. Hahahaha.

Yours Delusionally,

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