Saturday, February 15, 2014

10 Reasons Why You Hate Your Job

Unless you have that dream job where you work your own high paying hours, you probably have something about your job that you hate. Some people love what they do and some are just to keep the food on the table. What is the worst thing about your job?

#10 Schedule

Your schedule need you to work graveyard shift. 24 by 7 and 365 days. No time for your family and friends.

 #9 No Employee parking

Your office located in the city which parking is scarce. You could spent hundreds of your hard earned money just to pay for the parking space.

#8 Co-workers steal credit

Your hours of working/researching/proposal that you spent your time and heart get little appreciation where your boss credit it to your co-worker.

#7 No time off on Holidays

It is holiday season and your leave is denied. Ouch!

#6 Good Samaritan (Finishing up other people work)

Whether you like it or not, you have finished all your work but you have to finish your colleague as well! Bummer!

#5 No Benefits

Benefits? Hell no. Not even a medical card.

#4 No Promotion

You are in the same position/title since the first day of your job. 

#3 Morning Commute

You just hate the idea of waking up early in the morning just to catch the train or to avoid traffic. 

#2 Lazy Co-Worker

You and your co-worker earn the same paycheck but instead you are hard working and your co-worker is lazy as a donkey. 

#1 Your Boss in General

Cruel boss, Lazy boss, Fussy boss, Horrible boss, there are many type of bosses. It is a love-hate relationship. 

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