Friday, August 8, 2014

Two British Killed Started With Slap

Two British Medical Students Stabbed To Death In Kuching

One of the suspected killers of the two British medical students, who were stabbed to death in Kuching early yesterday morning.

He was enraged after one of the Brits slapped him during a row that broke out between them in an all-night coffeeshop where they had been drinking, police sources said.

Witness' Presence Of Mind To Take Down The Suspect's Car Plate Number Helped Crack The Case

On Wednesday, Two British Medical Students Were Stabbed To Death After An Early Morning Quarrel With Four Local Men At Abell Road, According To Local Police
According To Reports, Police Arrived At The Scene After Receiving A Call From A Restaurant Worker Who Witnessed The Incident

Two Of The Suspects Were Found To Have Criminal Records For Drug Abuse And Armed Robbery. Police Also Seized A Perodua Viva Car That Was Allegedly Used In The Incident.

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