Friday, May 30, 2014

WORLD NEWS - Militant attacks kill Syrian civilians "

Fresh attacks by foreign-backed militants in Syria have left at least two civilians dead, including a four-year-old child. This comes after the militants fired mortar shells at a residential area in the Damascus countryside on Firday.Authorities say the attack on Danoun Camp also injured nine people. Takfiri groups have recently stepped up their attacks against Syrians in several cities and towns as the country prepares to hold presidential election on June 3. This is while newly-released video footage shows al-Qaeda-affiliated militants executing a teenager for alleged robbery in eastern Syria. The video, which has been recently surfaced on the Internet, shows militants belonging to the terrorist Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) shooting dead a teenage boy in public in the eastern Syrian city of Deir Ezzor. The victim had been found “guilty of robbery,” which carries the death penalty under the self-declared law by the foreign-sponsored terrorists. Also on Friday, US officials confirmed that an American citizen fighting along with Takfiri militants in Syria was killed in a car bomb attack in the northern province of Idlib. The officials declined to identify the citizen, but sources from the al-Qaida linked al-Nusra Front militants said the American national's name was Abu Huraira al-Amriki. They say he drove a truck loaded with tank shells before its explosion. This is the first time the US admits the involvement of an American citizen in such attacks. US intelligence officials say more than 70 Americans have traveled to Syria, mainly to fight the Syrian government. The conflict in the country has become a magnet for Western extremists. This has raised the alarm in the US and its Western allies about the homecoming of these militants to carry out terrorist attacks.

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