Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Top 10 Videos of Politicians Fighting

Top 10 Videos of Politicians Fighting

Ever wanted to slap a politician? Get in line - you have to wait for the world's politicians to finish slapping - and frankly beating the living crap out of - each other first. 
I present to you the best examples of actual physical assaults between politicians from all around the world. Even a wish from a Miss America contestant wouldn't bring these people together (though a measely $10K from a lobbyist probably would). Enjoy these crazy fights brought to you by some of the world's scummiest people -- politicians.Ever wanted to slap a politician? Get in line - you have to wait for the world's politicians to finish slapping - and frankly beating the living crap out of - each other first. 

This is the best examples of actual physical assaults between politicians from all around the world. Even a wish from a Miss America contestant wouldn't bring these people together (though a measely $10K from a lobbyist probably would). Enjoy these crazy fights brought to you by some of the world's scummiest people -- politicians.

Top 10 Videos of Politicians Fighting

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