Monday, May 5, 2014

Sexiest AI in Video Games

Top 10 Sexiest AI in Video Games

Portal 2 is one of the best games out there, and if If there's one thing I learned from the first game, it's that, I'm not man enough to resist the wiles of sexy synthetic ladies. Besides, I'm no John Conner, so I'll be the first in line for my cybernetic implants once the robo-pocalypse begins. I mean why fight the inevitable? To that end, let's have a little list of the sexiest gynoids and data cores in gaming.

 If I'm effiecient enough, maybe they'll spare me long enough to kill me via sensory pleasure overload - otherwise known as the single best death imaginable. (Check out Top 5: Sexiest Artificial Intelligence over at Metacafe.) 

Now some of these artificially constructed ladies are pretty, some are sultry. Others just have personalities that compensate for the fact that they're really just a hard drive built into your house. But all are sexy . . . as long as you have the right silicone "implants".

By which I mean a direct neural interface with software . . . duh. What did you think perv?

Top 10 Sexiest AI in Video Games

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