Thursday, October 31, 2013



Sempena final piala malaysia ni. Siapa yang berminat untuk dapatkan jersey bola original boleh la check this site out. Klik DISINI

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Make Money Online

Earn Side Income with FB & Twitter

We are looking for something to earn side income. Well this is one way you can do. 

Click HERE for details. 

Dalam kehidupan yang semakin mahal dan sempit ini. Kita semua mencari cara cara untuk buat side income untuk menampung kehidupan. 

Ramai yang tertipu dengan skim skim cepat kaya yang menjanjikan pelbagai jumlah pendapatan dalam seminggu sehingga mencecah ratus ratus ribu. 

Kenapa ramai tertipu? Sebab kita sememangnya kesempitan duit dan terus mencari lubang lubang duit. 

Sebenarnya kita perlu tentukan matlamat dan harus berpijak pada bumi yang nyata. Nak duit perlu lah bekerja. Bagi orang kebanyakkan macam kita, tiada istilah buat duit dalam tidur. Kalau nak duit kena lah kerja. 

So, kalau nak buat kerja dan cari duit side income boleh la buat kerja jawab survey. Itu juga satu pekerjaan. Anda meluang masa untuk buat sesuatu. Itu baru kerja. 

Kalau nak cuba boleh klik DI SINI 

Tak cuba tak tahu. Kita cuma perlu usaha. Usaha itu tangga kejayaan. Tiada usaha macam mana nak kaya. Sikit sikit lama lama jadi bukit. 

p/s: kadang kadang ada betul juga pepatah melayu ni. 

Friday, October 25, 2013

Budget Bajet Bagus 2014


So entri Jom Politiko! tentulah mengenai Bajet 2014 yang diumumkan oleh PM Najib Razak. Ada yang menanti 'berita gembira' dan ada yang menanti 'berita buruk'. Seperti biasa, jika ada 'berita gembira' pasti 'berita buruk' menanti. 

Berikut adalah 'berita gembira' dan 'berita buruk' bagi rakyat Malaysia. 

Sumber adalah dari klik untuk bacaan lanjut. 

BRIM 3.0 Naik 

Selamat Datang GST

Kurangkan Gula
Pakatan Rakyat juga melancarkan bajet mereka tersendiri. Boleh dapatkan salinan anda DISINI. Boleh la buat comparison secara bijak. Anda mampu mengubahnya. 

Dreamy Creamy

Creamy Spaghetti Cabonara

Kelas memasak hari ini kita akan cuba memasak masakan Itali yang popular iaitu Creamy spaghetti cabonara. 


1 paket spaghetti (tak kisah jenama apa)
2 biji kuning telur
1/2 cawan 'heavy cream' (boleh cari di pasaraya - cold storage dsb)
1 sudu 'extra-virgin' minyak zaitun (olive oil atau pakai je minyak masak or butter)
2 ulas bawang putih dicincang halus
Parmesan cheese
Susu Cair
Black pepper
Daun Pasli

*anda boleh guna udang, sotong, kepah kalau nak seafood cabonara atau hotdog dan bacon pun boleh

Cara Memasak

  1. Panaskan air di dalam periuk yang dicampur dengan garam. Masukkan spaghetti dan biarkan ianya masak sehingga 'al dente' atau lembut. Kemudian toskan spaghetti dan letak tepi
  2. Sementara  tunggu spaghetti masak, ambil mangkuk kecil dan pukul 2 biji kuning telur bersama dengan 'heavy cream'. Pukul secukup rasa. 
  3. Panaskan kuali dan masukkan bawang putih yang dicincang halus sehingga kekuningan. 
  4. Masukkan bahan basah (udang,sotong dan sebagainya ikut citarasa) dan pastikan bahan tersebut masak.
  5. Kemudian, masukkan spaghetti kedalam kuali beserta dengan telur dan krim yang dipukul tadi. Kalau pekat tambahkan susu cair sedikit. 
  6. Gaul spaghetti dan sos krim sehingga sebati. 
  7. Taburkan parmesan cheese dan black pepper mengikut citarasa anda. Hias dengan daun pasli. 
  8. Walla!! Satu hidangan creamy spaghetti cabonara sudah siap dan boleh dimakan.

Bergaya dengan Tissot

MOTO GP T-RACE with Sapphire Blue Strap

Entri Jom Style! memperkenalkan jam berjenama Tissot edisi Moto Gp T-Race untuk wanita. Bagi peminat jam, jam sukan atau sports watch seharusnya ada sebagai dari sebahagian koleksi. 

Jam ini bukan saja melambangkan yang anda sporty dan menjalani kehidupan yang sihat, tapi akan menambah gaya dan style anda. 

Inspirasi dari sukan permotoran yang suspense dan thrill membuatkan jam ini harus anda miliki. 


Condition: 100% Brand New
Size: 37MM X13MM
Sub-Dial: All Fully Function Display

Hubungi kami jika anda berminat untuk memilikinya! 

Sapere Aude!

Agama dan Kebebasan Berfikir

Entri Jom Baca Buku! pertama kali akan membicarakan sebuah buku atau risalah yang diterbitkan oleh Middle Eastern Graduates Centre dan kerjasama dari Konrad Adenauer Foundation. 

Buku ini adalah siri ke 4 dalam 'Siri Isu-Isu Semasa Dalam Risalah'. Siri ini mengupas isu seperti kebebasan, demokrasi, dan hak asasi  sehinggalah isu isu kecil seperti isu bunga bank dan perkahwinan campur. 

Untuk mendapatkan pencerahan adalah melalui pembacaan. Dengan banyak membaca minda kita terbuka dengan pandangan dan dapat melihat setiap isu dengan perspektif yang berbeza. 

Jika anda berminat boleh hubungi kami. Buku ini cuma berharga RM4. 

Jom Baca Buku!

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Promosi Pakej Maxis Home Fibre + Astro Byond IPTV

Promosi Pakej Maxis Home Fibre + Astro Byond IPTV

Caj internet dan astro mahal? Nak jimat? Bayangkan anda boleh jimat sehingga RM132 sebulan. Banyak tu.

Anda kaki download atau kaki youtube? Selalu kecewa bila quota sudah abes? Sekarang ada alternatif yang lain. Maxis Home Fibre menawarkan kelajuan dari 10Mbps sehingga 30Mbps. Download movie, anime, tv drama kini bertambah pantas! Sambil tunggu boleh tengok Astro Byond. Double whammy!!

Anda juga tak perlu pening kepala untuk bayar bil berlainan. Cuma satu harga untuk dua servis yang hebat! 

Kini dengan serendah RM248 sebulan anda boleh melayari internet dengan kelajuan yang memuaskan hati anda serta menonton program tv secara HD. Dan ianya semudah A, B dan C. 

A. Pilih pakej Maxis Home Fibre (10Mbps, 20Mbps, 30Mbps)
B. Pilih Astro Byond IPTV (Kesemua superpack termasuk saluran sukan dan movies dalam HD)
C. Pilih sama ada mahu line telefon atau tak. Terpulang kepada anda. 

Kenapa Perlu Langgan Pakej Ini

  • Anda boleh henti, tonton dan ulang dan rakam rancangan yang anda minati. 
  • Anda akan menikmati pelbagai rancangan dalam HD sesuai dengan TV canggih anda. 
  • Anda boleh tonton rancangan kegemaran anda dimana mana saja pada bila bila masa dengan Astro-On-The-Go dan Catch-Up TV
  • Anda akan nikmati 700 jam Video-On-Demand
  • Anda akan alami internet terpantas dan tanpa had!
dan yang paling penting anda akan JIMAT sebanyak RM132 sebulan!!!

Hubungi kami dan kami akan hantarkan borang kepada anda! 

Sup Tulang 'Bujang'



Tulang lembu (ikut suka hati nak banyak or sikit)
Kulit kayu manis
bawang lawang 
cengkih garam 
sup bunjut 
air untuk merebus 


  1. rebus tulang sehingga selama 1/2 jam. 
  2. masukkan kulit kayu manis, sup bunjut, cengkih, bunga lawang dan sedikit garam dan ajinomoto.
  3. Biarkan sup direneh selama 30minit.
  4. Siap. Sedap dimakan begitu saja. 

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Time To #Switch

Nokia Lumia 1020

#Switch - begitulah  hashtag dari pengeluar telefon terkemuka Nokia. Walaupun pasaran diterokai oleh Apple dan Samsung, Nokia juga mahu merebut kembali tempat yang satu ketika dikuasai oleh mereka.

Nokia Lumia 1020 adalah sebuah telefon yang ditunggu sejak sekian lama oleh penggemar OS Windows. Walaupun tidak sehebat Samsung Galaxy Note 3 atau S4, tapi bagi mereka yang suka akan bergambar  pasti akan terinzal dengan kehebatan Lumia 1020 ini. 
gambar dari Nokia
Reka Bentuk dan Ciri Ciri
Secara luaran, bentuk Lumia 1020 tidak lari dari Lumia 920 tetapi Lumia 1020 mempunyai hasil ‘matte’ manakala Lumia 920 adalah berkilat. Seperti siri-siri Lumia yang lain, Lumia 1020 juga didatangkan dengan 3 warna iaitu putih, hitam dan kuning. Harus diingat ianya agak besar dan berat. 

Ianya diburukkan lagi dengan terletak nya kamera yang agak ‘menonjol’ di bahagian belakang nya. Kamera Lumia 1020 mempunyai 41MP, teknologi PureView, Imej Penstabilan Optik dan zum yang beresolusi tinggi. Lumia 1020 adalah seberat 158g dan berketebalan 10.4mm membuatkan kurang nipis dari saingan terdekat seperti Galaxy S4, iPhone 5S dan HTC One. 

gambar dari nokia
gambar dari Nokia

Terdapat juga isu ergonomik dengan reka bentuk telefon ini. Ianya terasa agak janggal kerana kamera yang agak terkeluar dari ‘body’ telefon ini. Tetapi, Lumia 1020 tetap mempunyai cirri-ciri Lumia yang telah ada sebelum ini. Penjuru yang melengkung dan warna yang terang dan menarik.

Antara ciri tipikal Lumia yang biasa dilihat juga terdapat pada Lumia 1020. Butang hanya terdapat pada sisi kanan telefon .  Tiada slot memori, dan slot microSIM terletak di bahagian atas telefon. 

Ianya didatangkan dalam 32GB dan 64GB dan mempunyai fungsi seperti NFC, 4G dan GPS. Seperti yang sedia maklum GPS dari Nokia adalah yang terbaik berbanding Google Maps.

gambar dari Nokia

Harga bagi Lumia 1020 adalah RM2,168 boleh didapati di kedai kedai telefon yang  berhampiran.                                                              

Daging Black Pepper 'Bujang'

Daging Black Pepper 'Bujang Style'


Daging (terpulang nak 500gm or 1kg)
Sos Tiram 
Lada Hitam
Cili Benggala (Bell Peppers atau Capsicum)

Cara Memasak

  1. Panaskan minyak, tumis bawang sehingga naik bau. 
  2. Masuk kan daging dan kentang, kemudian biarkan daging separuh masak
  3. Bila daging dah separuh masak, masuk kan sos tiram (bersesuai dengan kuantiti daging) dan lada hitam. Kalau nak cair tambah sedikit air. 
  4. Yang penting RASA! dahulu. kalau dah sesuai dengan lidah masuk kan cili benggala. 
  5. Biarkan daging masak sehingga sesuai dimakan. Tak liat dan tak kecut. 
  6. Hidang dan makan panas-panas. 

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Suspected al-Qaida gunmen dressed in fatigues and riding in military trucks overran a key army base in eastern Yemen on Monday, security officials said, holding captive high-ranking officers and soldiers inside in the latest bold attack by militants there.
Security officials said the base in the large but sparsely populated province of Hadramawt is supposed to be protected by several checkpoints leading to its main gate, but that no security was posted outside the military compound when the attack took place.
The military sent in reinforcements and troops are now surrounding the compound, intermittently clashing with the attackers, the officials and a Defense Ministry statement said.
The Ministry said it has managed to evacuate the building but other security officials say there are still an unknown number of officers and soldiers inside.
The attack underscores al-Qaida's ability to exploit security lapses in Yemen, despite a dramatic rise in the number of U.S. drone strikes on militants there – including in Hadramawt – since President Barack Obama took office.
The group was blamed for an assault earlie
r this month that killed 38 soldiers in the nearby province of Shabwa.
In the Monday attack, authorities believe at least 15 militants stormed into the base on the eastern outskirts of the city of Mukalla.
The Defense Ministry statement said the militants rode in on two military vehicles, one of which was a car bomb that blasted through the main gate of
the compound. They then gunned down security guards before taking over the facility after a brief firefight inside, officials said.
A colonel who works at the base but who was not there when it came under attack says he received phone calls from comrades inside who alerted him to the attack.
The officials and colonel spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak to the media.
For a time, al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula, as the group is known in Yemen, was perhaps the network's most powerful offshoot in the region. In 2011, during political turmoil in Yemen, al-Qaida fighters temporarily seized control of a string of cities and towns in the south, where they remain active.
Officials have not released a death toll. The Defense Ministry statement said some of the attackers were killed and wounded, without giving specific number,
From New York's Liberty Island to Alaska's Denali National Park, the U.S. government closed its doors as a bitter budget fight idled hundreds of thousands of federal workers and halted all but the most critical government services for the first time in nearly two decades.
A midnight deadline to avert a shutdown passed amid Congressional bickering, casting in doubt Americans' ability to get government services ranging from federally-backed home loans to supplemental food assistance for children and pregnant women.
For many employees of the federal government, the shutdown that began Tuesday meant no more paychecks as they were forced onto unpaid furloughs. For those still working, it meant delays in getting paid.
Park Ranger and father-to-be Darquez Smith said he already lives paycheck-to-paycheck while putting himself through college.
"I've got a lot on my plate right now - tuition, my daughter, bills," said Smith, 23, a ranger at Dayton Aviation Heritage National Historical Park in O
The impact of the shutdown was mixed - immediate and far-reaching for some, annoying but minimal for others.
In Colorado, where flooding killed eight people earlier this month, emergency funds to help rebuild homes and businesses continued to flow - but federal worker furloughs were expected to slow it down.
National Guard soldiers rebuilding washed-out roads would apparently be paid on time - along with the rest of the country's active-duty personnel - under a bill passed hours before the shutdown. Existing Social Security and Medicare benefits, veterans' services and mail delivery were also unaffected.
Other agencies were harder hit - nearly 3,000 Federal Aviation Administration safety inspectors were furloughed along with most of the National Transportation Safety Board's employees, including accident investigators who respond to air crashes, train collisions, pipeline explosions and other accidents.
Almost all of NASA shut down, except for Mission Control in Houston, and national parks closed along with the Smithsonian museums and the National Zoo. Even the zoo's popular panda cam went dark, shut off for the first time since a cub was born there Aug. 23.
As the shutdown loomed Monday, visitors to popular parks made their frustration with elected officials clear.
"There is no good thing going to come out of it," said Chris Fahl, a tourist from Roanoke, Ind., visiting the Abraham Lincoln Birthplace National Historic Park in Hodgenville, Ky. "Taxpayers are just going to be more overburdened.hio. "I'm just confused and waiting just like everyone else."
Kenya's top Christian, Hindu and Muslim clerics are leading a multi-faith prayer service for the victims of the Westgate mall attack.
President Uhuru Kenyatta, his deputy William Ruto and opposition leader Rail Odinga are attending the prayers.
Officials say 67 people died after militants from Somalia's al-Shabab stormed the mall on 21 September.
On Monday, Kenyan MPs called for camps for Somali refugees in the country to close in the wake of the siege.A woman prays inside a church during a prayer for victims of Westgate shopping centre - Nairobi 29 September 2013
Al-Shabab, a Somali Islamist group, said the attack was in retaliation for Kenya's military involvement in Somalia.
Kenya is host to the largest refugee camp in the world, Dadaab - home to about half a million people - near the Somali border, while it is believed that more than 30,000 Somali refugees live in Nairobi alone.United in prayer'
The prayers are being hosted by Kenya's Inter-Religious Council with clerics from different faiths, who are sitting together on a stage facing the congregation, calling for national unity, reconciliation and healing.
During the service in the capital, Nairobi, Bishop Gerry Kibarabara asked the congregation to stand, shake hands and say "peace"
The prayers are being broadcast live on all national television stations, with private broadcaster NTV labelling the transmission "United in Prayer" along with the hashtag #WeAreOne, which some Kenyans have been using on social media in response to the attack.
Children from different religious and ethnic groups have read messages of peace to the congregation.
Adan Wachu, secretary general of the Supreme Council of Kenyan Muslims, said: "Islam is not terrorism and terrorism is not Islam. Islam is peace."
Another religious leader said that religion had been "misused" and the intention of the clerics on the Inter-Religious Council was to eliminate such "misconceptions".
Five militants were killed by security forces during the four-day siege, while nine people are in custody after being arrested in connection with the attacks, the authorities say.
On Monday, the Kenyan Red Cross said the number of missing after the Westgate shopping centre attack had dropped to 39 from an initial figure of 61.
Fourteen of the missing have been found alive and seven bodies have been identified, it said.
A Red Cross tracing manager told the BBC that some of those who were classed as missing were counted because of "reports from people who could not get through to their relatives on the phone and thought they might have been at the mall".
About 4,000 Kenyan troops have been sent to Somalia to help pro-government forces end two decades of violence, with clan-based warlords and Islamist militants all battling for control of the country.
Al-Shabab is banned as a terrorist group by both the US and the UK and is believed to have between 7,000 and 9,000 fighters.
Its members are fighting to create an Islamic state in Somalia.
Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) leader Salaudin Quader Chowdhury appears at court in Dhaka on October 1, 2013.
An MP for Bangladesh's main opposition party has been sentenced to death by a war crimes court for charges including murder and genocide during the 1971 war of independence with Pakistan.
Salahuddin Quader Chowdhury, the first member of the Bangladesh National Party (BNP) to be tried by the court, was found guilty of nine out of 23 charges.
The BNP and his lawyers argue that the trial was politically motivated.
Previous verdicts against Islamist leaders have been followed by protests.
The war crimes tribunal was set up by the Awami League-led government in 2010 and opposition parties have accused it of pursuing a political vendetta against its opponents. We will do whatever we need to do to show the world that this is a farce," the Reuters news agency quoted Chowdhury's wife, Farhat Quader Chowdhury, as saying immediately afterwards.
Mr Chowdhury's lawyers say that they will appeal against the conviction at the Supreme Court.
Lawyers sympathetic to the BNP meanwhile are reported to have threatened to "try everyone connected" with the war crimes tribunal once the party returns to power.
Senior BNP official Khandker Mahabub Hossain said: "Everyone related with the trial will be tried some day on this soil."
Security was tight in Dhaka where the verdict was heard in a packed courtroom. Bangladeshi social activists shout slogans in celebration outside the International Crimes Tribunal court in Dhaka on October 1, 2013
But troops were also deployed to Chittagong, the home district of Chowdhury where he has been re-elected six times - and where there is likely to be anger at the verdict.
Trauma of independence Analysts say the tribunal's verdicts have exposed profound divisions in Bangladeshi society.
Last month when the Supreme Court gave the death penalty to a senior leader of the Jamaat-e-Islami party, Abdul Kader Mullah, there were demonstrations both for and against the decision.
The sentences handed down to its leaders over the last few months have unleashed a wave of unrest, pitting supporters of Jamaat against pro-government groups.
But this rupture goes back to the very origins of Bangladesh when some groups, including Islamist groups like Jamaat, opposed the struggle for independence from Pakistan.
Tribunal's Chairman Justice ATM Fazle Kabir said: "We are of the unanimous view that the accused deserves the highest punishment for committing such crimes that troubled the collective conscience of mankind."
But human rights groups and the BNP have both said that the tribunal falls short of international standards.
The special court was set up in 2010 by the government to deal with those accused of collaborating with Pakistani forces who attempted to stop East Pakistan (as Bangladesh was then) from becoming an independent country.
It is trying nine Jamaat leaders and two members of the BNP - they have always denied any role in war crimes committed by pro-Pakistan militias.
Chowdhury is the first of those BNP members - and the first sitting MP - to be sentenced.
Prosecutors accused him of genocide, abduction, committing atrocities against Hindus and forcefully converting a number of Hindus to Islam.
During the war his father was an influential politician who worked to prevent Bangladesh breaking away. The prosecution also said that his father's residence in Chittagong was turned into a torture cell at that time.
Bangladesh government figures estimate more than three million people were killed during the war. Other researchers put the figure at between 300,000 and 500,000.
A convoy believed to be carrying a team of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) leave Beirut international airport 30 September, 2013.A team of international disarmament experts is due to arrive in Damascus to begin work on dismantling Syria's chemical weapons arsenal.
Syria says it will co-operate with the mission set up after a US-Russia deal endorsed by the UN Security Council.
It is the first time the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) has been asked to destroy a country's chemical arms during a war.
Correspondents say the OPCW inspectors face a daunting task.
Syria's Foreign Minister, Walid Muallem, has said that seven out of 19 declared chemical weapons sites are in combat zones.
The BBC's Jim Muir in Beirut says it could be complicated for the inspectors to gain access to these areas; local truces may be needed to allow the work to proceed.
The OPCW experts filed an interim report last month confirming that the nerve agent sarin had been used in attacks on 21 August near Damascus.
Syria's chemical weapons arsenal is believed to include more than 1,000 tonnes of sarin, mustard gas and other banned chemicals stored at dozens of sites.
Last month, it handed the OPCW a full account of its arsenal, as part of the US-Russian plan.
An official for the organisation told the AFP news agency on Sunday: "At this point, we have absolutely no reason to doubt the information provided by the Syrian regime."
The OPCW inspectors - based in The Hague - stayed overnight in Beirut, Lebanon, before crossing into Syria on Tuesday.
They will first discuss operation logistics at the Foreign Ministry in Damascus before verifying the sites and making assessments.
The arms monitors are then expected to destroy the equipment used for mixing and preparing chemical weapons, as well as the munitions used to deliver them. A Free Syrian Army fighter fires his weapon towards snipers loyal to Syria's President Bashar al-Assad in the Aleppo district of Salaheddine, 30 September, 2013.
Under the agreement between the United States and Russia, this work should be finished by November. Some chemical stocks will be removed safely and destroyed outside Syria, while others will be collected up for destruction inside the country. OPCW disarmament teams face a large and dangerous operation in the midst of fierce fighting
All this material is supposed to have been disposed of by the target date of the middle of next year.
Syria's President Bashar al-Assad has promised to comply with the disarmament deal. "History proves that we have always honoured all treaties we have signed," he said in an interview with Italian television on Sunday.
Russia and America are in the process of destroying their own chemical arsenals. This process has taken years longer than expected.
Washington, Moscow and others are hoping to build on the rare consensus achieved over the chemical weapons issue, to push for peace settlement talks in Geneva. The UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has proposed a date in mid-November for the discussions.
But correspondents say many obstacles remain to be overcome before credible and serious negotiations can take place.

House Republicans say they will not support legislation that includes funding for the health care


The federal government could shut down just after the stroke of midnight if congressional lawmakers cannot reach a last-minute agreement to pass a short-term budget deal. With just hours to go on Monday, it seemed more than likely that it would close for the first time in 17 years.
Following a day of finger pointing and political theater, the Republican-led House passed by a vote of 231-192 a bill late Saturday night that would keep the government open but delays funding for the Affordable Care Act for a year. It also permanently repeals a tax on medical devices that was projected to raise approximately $30 billion over the next 10 years to help cover the cost of expanded health-insurance coverage. They passed a separate bill to ensure that active-duty military service members continue to be paid.
The Senate, voting along party lines, roundly rejected the House bill by 54-46. Majority Leader Harry Reid is adamant that the House plan a "clean" bill without any provisions to defund or delay the health care law set to launch on Tuesday.

At a press conference following the vote, Reid said that he will not negotiate with House Republicans on that issue and that Democrats will not be bullied.

"They are closing down the government. I don't know what in the world is wrong with them, why they're fixated on this Obamacare. It is the law," said a perplexed Reid.

He added that it is particularly important that Democrats and the White House stand their ground because of the upcoming battle over raising the nation's debt ceiling.
"With a bully, you cannot let them slap you around because today they slap you five or six times, tomorrow it's seven or eight times. We are not going to be bullied," Reid said.
New York Sen. Chuck Schumer and Illinois Sen. Dick Durbin each called on House Speaker John Boehner to stop giving into to the hard-right conservatives in his caucus and lead.

"[He] is holding out the forlorn hope that by sending us new demands day in and day out, Democrats will capitulate. He's wrong and we won't," said Schumer.
Asked if a government shutdown was imminent, several members of the Congressional Black Caucus members said they believed it would, placing the blame firmly in the GOP's court.
“I’ve never seen our government more dysfunctional. Instead of uniting around the principle of complete obstructionism, and unanimously supporting legislation that damages the economic progress our country has made, House Republicans should focus on recommendations that will make this country better for everyone," said CBC Chairwoman Marcia Fudge. “This vote was a complete disappointment. It will hurt our communities and it is not good for our country. The American people deserve much better than this House majority continues to give.”
Maryland Rep. Elijah Cummings held out hope that the business community will have some sway with the Republicans and convince them to avert a shutdown that could have a damaging effect on the financial markets.
"I think Republicans will be more concerned when the business community jumps into this because this can be catastrophic and they are supposed to be pro-business," he told report. "If there's any saving grace, that's what it's going to be about. It's not going to be about any sympathy for their constituents, that's for sure."
If they cared about their constituents, Cummings added, Republicans would instead try to amend the health care law to make it more efficient and effective, an effort that he said would get cooperation from Democrats.
"But that's not what they're doing. They want to destroy it. This delay stuff is basically delay and kill," he said. "I think they've shown their true colors."
So, if the government does indeed shut down, who caves first the White House or the House of Representatives?
According to Cummings, President Obama will stand firm and veto any legislation that ends his health care bill and his vow to negotiate over raising the debt ceiling.
"I think it sets a dangerous precedent if anytime the debt ceiling comes up you've got to give them something to get them to do their job," Cummings said.

Nigeria: '10, 000 Nigerians Die Annually From Rabies'

Jos — About 10,000 Nigerians die annually from rabies, a lecturer with the National Veterinary Research Institute (NVRI) Vom Dr Chika Nwosu has said.
Dr Nwosu, while delivering a lecture organised by the Nigerian Veterinary Medical Association (NVMA), Plateau State chapter, to end the 2013 World Rabies Week, said 55,000 people die of the disease world over, with 55 deaths recorded per hour.
He said of the 55,000 deaths, 30,000 are in Asia, 10,000 recorded in Nigeria, while the remaining 15,000 are from other parts of the African continent.
"In Nigerian, records have shown that every year, about 10,000 people are killed by this endemic disease possibly because it is largest country on the continent. Records have also shown that about three million people mostly from Africa, Asia and other developing countries of the world are living in rabies endemic areas," he said.
Nwosu added that children under the age of 10 usually constitute 55 per cent of those affected by the disease. He further stated that treatment for rabies cost more than its prevention.
"The cost of post bite treatment of rabies disease in humans is about 10 to 20 times costlier than its prevention. Today, research has shown that globally, over 20 million people are being treated every year of this endemic disease at the wholesome cost of $1 billion per person," he said.