Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Amazing Creative Facebook Timeline Covers

It is 2014. A new year. Perhaps it is time for a new Facebook timeline covers to change your old and dull covers. But you want to be different than the rest of your friend. Be inspired by these amazing and creative Facebook timeline covers. Pictures after the jump.

Now, where I put my head?

Paint my love, not my head.

Pick me or pick my head.

Officer, this is my driver license.

Please put cigarette butts in ashtrays not on my head!

Don’t step on me!

Nice use of monochromatic photos on the Facebook Timeline cover.

Behind the lense of camera.

Google the word “Awesome” and see if you can find Amber Saenz?

this famous black and white photograph: Lunch atop a Skyscraper. But, is Cody one of the construction workers lunching on a crossbeam?

Cute Facebook Timeline cover inspired by Feed with Candy game.

An attractive Timeline designed with colour apps!

Playing hide and seek with the robot

Contact photo on iPhone can also be displayed on Timeline.

Nice use of wine label as a profile photo.

Apparently Vikram Dhiman wants to be Cyclops (X-Men).

Help! Get me out of the washing machine!

When you browse TV series or movies on Hulu, don’t forget to watch “MC’s life”.

With some wicked statements and yellow background, you can make an eye-catching Facebook Timeline.

With 800 pixels space of Facebook Timeline cover, you can put many expressions you want.

See what I’m thinking about. Scan the QR code.

A simple and beautiful collage made by several pieces of photos.

These zombies, aliens and heroes photos are Konrad Dobson’s source of inspiration.

Is he trying to fight with eagle?

Loj’s ambition is want to be a great astronaut.

Obviously “diver and shark” theme is a popular choice when it comes to Facebook Timeline.

Oops! Server not found!

Joseph is a super fan of Mario Kart!

Angry Bird can be played directly on Facebook Timeline?

Oh no, Winterol is in danger!

Try not to share this post. Try hard.

Have you ever felt heart broken? Have you locked your heart so it would not get hurt anymore? This amazing artwork shows how to heal and mend a wounded heart. Time would heal everything.

This is not true for romantic relationship but actually applies to any kind of relationship

WORLD NEWS : Thousands flee flash-point South Sudan town of Bor

Thousands fled the flash-point town of Bor as South Sudanese troops prepared for a possible assault by anti-government forces, including an ethnic militia called the “White Army” known for its brutality, said South Sudanese officials and aid workers on Monday.
“We are expecting an attack at any moment,” said Col. Philip Aguer, a spokesman for the South Sudanese military, adding that the militia was thought to be 18 miles outside Bor. “The civilian population has already left the town. If there are any left, they are hiding at the U.N. base.”
The warnings of the impending assault suggest that the conflict dividing the world’s newest country could intensify, even as American and African mediators have pressed the government and rebels to enter a cease-fire and negotiate a peace deal. The conflict began two weeks ago after President Salva Kiir accused his deputy, Riek Machar, of attempting a coup, triggering widespread fighting between soldiers loyal to each of the men. Hundreds of civilians have been killed; and at least 180,000 people have fled their homes, including about 75,000 who are taking refuge in U.N. bases nationwide, according to the United Nations.
The political struggle has sparked a tribal conflict, pitting ethnic Dinkas, like Kiir, against ethnic Nuer, Machar’s group. The White Army is a gang of Nuer youths loyal to Machar and numbering in the thousands. They are called the White Army because of the white ash, made from dried cow dung, they apply on their bodies, apparently to shield them from insects.
“They have started burning down villages 25 miles outside of Bor,” Aguer said.
The assertions could not be independently verified. There have been conflicting reports of the White Army’s march toward Bor, which is 120 miles north of Juba, the capital. Some reports say community leaders have persuaded the youths to return home, while others say government forces have clashed with the White Army outside Bor.
On Monday, the violence threatened to turn into a regional conflict, as Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni arrived in Juba to demonstrate support for the government of Kiir, his close ally. Muse­veni warned that South Sudan’s neighbors would target Machar if he didn’t agree to a cease-fire proposed by East African countries by the Tuesday deadline.
“We gave Riek Machar four days to respond, and if he doesn’t, we shall have to go for him, all of us,” Museveni told reporters, according to the Reuters news agency. When asked what that meant, he replied, “To defeat him,” but he did not provide details.

Machar has denied that he plotted a coup, but he has launched a rebellion and seized key towns, including Bentiu, the capital of oil-rich Unity state. He and his loyalists also have said it was not true that he controlled the White Army. But his rivals insist that he is the group’s benefactor.
“He is the one who organized and agitated them,” said South Sudan’s minister of information, Michael Makuei.
Makuei added that many civilians are fleeing the rural areas surrounding Bor, fearing the advance of the White Army and soldiers loyal to Machar.
“People are moving in the thousands,” Makuei said. “They are going in any direction that takes them to safety. Some are fleeing down the river, using motor boats and canoes, while others are traveling by land.”
On Monday, an international aid agency, Doctors Without Borders, said in a statement that more than 70,000 people, mostly women and children, had fled Bor. Most had crossed the White Nile river into Lakes state and were gathered around the town of Awerial, about 30 miles from Bor, it said.
South Sudanese officials said government forces have been bolstered to protect Bor and prevent the White Army or Machar loyalists from marching toward the capital.
“The fighting will not reach Juba,” Makuei said.

WORLD NEWS : Egypt forces attack students in Cairo, Zagazig "

Egyptian security forces have attacked university students holding anti-government protests in the capital city of CairAn Egyptian policeman detains a female student during a protest inside al-Azhar University’s campus in Cairo. (File photo)o and in the northern province of al- Sharqiyah.
Several people were injured, some of them seriously, when security forces attacked students at the dormitory of Cairo’s al-Azhar University on Tuesday, according to witnesses.
Security forces also used tear gas and bird shot to disperse students at Zagazig University, in al-Sharqiyah Province.
This comes after days of student protests in the capital Cairo against the country’s upcoming constitutional referendum and its ban on the Muslim Brotherhood.
On December 24, Cairo officially designated the Brotherhood – which has been leading protests against the army-backed government of interim President Adly Mahmoud Mansour – a terrorist group.
More than 10 students were killed in clashes with security forces over the past few days, while Egyptian authorities keep jailing activists for taking part in protests.
On Monday, state news agency MENA said 139 people were sentenced to two years in prison for participating in pro-Morsi rallies.
Since the start of the new academic year in September, Egyptian universities have been the scene of protests against the army-appointed interim government that took power after the ouster of former president, Mohamed Morsi.
Egypt plunged into unrest on July 3, after the country's powerful military unseated Morsi, Egypt's first democratically-elected head of state, dissolved the parliament, suspended the constitution, and declared Mansour as the country's interim president.

NEWS : ncontrolled violence in Central African Republic displaces thousands '

People from the Cameroonese community get off a truck as they arrive at the Bangui International airport on Dec. 29, 2013.
Heavy weapons fire rang out in the north of Central African Republic's capital Bangui early on Monday in what the government said were clashes with Christian militias.
French and African troops have struggled to contain violence between Muslim Seleka rebels and Christian militias that has already killed 1,000 people this month and displaced hundreds of thousands.
"There was heavy weapons fire north of Bangui for a few hours and several neighborhoods were affected," Amy Martin, head of the U.N. Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs in Bangui told Reuters.
The country's Christian majority has complained of waves of looting and killing by Djotodia's loose band of militias who seized power in March with the aid of fighters from Chad and Sudan.
Violence intensified in early December after Christian militia launched reprisal attacks on Seleka forces, raising fears of generalized conflict in the country.
The number of internally displaced has swollen with the mounting violence and over 100,000 are sheltering in a makeshift camp at Bangui airport, a medical charity said.

NEWS : 2013 in news: Terror in Boston, gridlock in Washington, history at the Vatican "

The race clock showed 4:09:43 — the precise division between order and chaos, joy and panic, life and death. The first blast, just off the finish line, was strong enough to stiffen flags along the final yards of the course. Thirteen seconds later came another.
Three people were killed and 264 hurt. Over the next five days, the country learned that pressure cookers make easy bombs, joined an enormous manhunt, and watched as an entire city was locked down, until the surviving suspect was cornered in a boat.
The bombing of the Boston Marathon endures as the biggest event in a dizzying year of news.

LIFE : Mother of Brain Dead Teen Writes Open Letter now '

Nailah Winkfield, the mother of Jahi McMath, who was declared brain dead after complications from a tonsillectomy, has penned an open letter describing her family’s fight to keep her daughter on life support, according to KTVU.
A California judge ruled that the hospital had permission to take Jahi off life support on Dec. 24, but her family has appealed the decision and are looking transfer her to a new facility. Doctors can remove Jahi from the ventilator Monday at 5 p.m. PST.
What was supposed to be a simple procedure ended with complications. Jahi was admitted to Children’s Hospital & Research Center Oakland on Dec. 9 to have her tonsils removed, and began bleeding profusely after the surgery. She then went into cardiac arrest.
In a statement, the Children's hospital said despite criticism from the family's lawyer, they support the family's decision to move Jahi. Doctors say Jahi’s condition is irreversible, but Winkfield says she believes God will eventually “spark her brain awake”: 
I am a mother. She is my daughter. I am alive. Despite what they say, she is alive. I can touch her, she is warm. She responds to my touch. I can love her — I can feel her love. When she was in my belly I fell in love with her. Her heartbeat for the beginning of her life was my heartbeat until God, through a miracle, sparked her heart into existence. Given time I know he will spark her brain awake.
She is Jahi a name that means known by many. If she knew about all this attention she would blush. She is very shy.
My daughter sits on life support. I feel like she is on death row. The clock is ticking — ticking down. Childrens Hospital Oakland says she is dead. She was not dead when I brought her here on December 9th for a routine tonsillectomy. I put her in their hands, now they want to wash their hands of her.
Jahi had an operation. I was told it went well. Then she started bleeding from her mouth. They gave me a cup for her to bleed into and said it was normal. She bled more and more. I couldn’t keep up with it. I asked for help, they gave me a bigger bucket. She bled more. They did not answer our pleas for a doctor. Her surgeon never came back. She had a heart attack and her heart stopped beating. Then they came — then. They shocked her back into life. Now they say she is dead.
Before the surgery she said I am scared mommy. I said why Jahi? She said I am afraid I won't wake up. I told her it was going to be fine, it was a simple procedure. I should have listened to her.
She is on a respirator — with air she lives, her heart beats, her kidneys produce urine, she is warm and soft. They have been pressuring me to “pull the plug.” I can’t. I won’t. I can't let them kill my baby a second time.
I am fighting for her life. Each breath the vent gives her one more chance to live and gets her one step closer to the hospital’s deadline. What a word. I never thought they could tell me, her mother, they were going to pull the plug take her body to the morgue and send us home on Christmas while she lays in a freezer. She is warm now. I want my baby to be warm. We need time.
The Hospital says she is legally dead. That they can legally stop her breathing. I am not a lawyer. We called many in the middle of the night Monday as they were coming to unplug her Tuesday night. One answered the call. We stopped them. Every day is a struggle. We fight for Jahi. We have a temporary restraining order until Monday - then the Judge can say my baby is legally dead and Childrens can unplug her. It doesn’t matter what I say. I never thought I would have to go to court to get a hospital to treat my child.
Hold your children tight. Tell them you love them. I tell my daughter over and over. I know she can hear me. If she has any brain activity when they do the independent tests she will be kept alive. Pray for my daughter Jahi, pray that she will get better so they don’t kill her. Pray for me, mothers, that my love can bring her life once more.

US : Love Fest: Obama, Clinton Voted Most Admired Man and Woman "

The Affordable Care Act is still as unpopular as ever, cau
sing President Obama's job approval numbers to flatline, but Obama is still the man for a majority of Americans. For the sixth consecutive year, the president has been ranked the most admired man, according to a Gallup poll released Monday.
Each year, Gallup conducts the survey in which Americans name the man and woman living anywhere in the world whom they admire most. This year's poll was conducted between Dec. 5-8.

Former first lady, senator and secretary of state Hillary Clinton was named the most popular – for the 12
th consecutive year. She has, however, topped the list 18 times, the most of any woman since Gallup began asking the question in 1948.

Former President George W. Bush and Pope Francis were tied for second place with four percent of support. Finishing behind Clinton was media mogul Oprah Winfrey, at 6 percent, followed by First Lady Michelle Obama and former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin.

ENT : Ani DiFranco Cancels Retreat at Former Slave Plantation"

Ani DiFranco planned to host "Righteous Retreat", a four-night event for exchanging ideas and making music, at the Nottoway Plantation and Resort in White Castle, Louisiana. However, the singer has canceled the retreat after several people voiced outrage over the location of the event.

Nottoway Plantation and Resort once housed hundreds of slaves under brutal conditions. A petition organized with a view to canceling the retreat quickly gathered 2,500 signatures.

After a massive public outcry, DiFranco announced the cancellation on her website. "I did not imagine or understand that the setting of a plantation would trigger such collective outrage or result in so much high velocity bitterness," she wrote.

"I imagined instead that the setting would become a participant in the event. This was doubtless to be a gathering of progressive and engaged people, so I imagined a dialogue would emerge organically over the four days about the issue of where we were," she continued.

"I obviously underestimated the power of an evocatively symbolic place to trigger collective and individual pain," she added. "I believe that your energy and your questioning are needed in this world. I know that the pain of slavery is real and runs very deep and wide. However, in this incident I think is very unfortunate what many have chosen to do with that pain. I cancel the retreat now because I wish to restore peace and respectful discourse between people as quickly as possible."

"I entreat you to refocus your concerns and comments on this matter with positive energy and allow us now to work together towards common ground and healing," she said. She does not plan to reschedule the retreat.

ENT : Top 10 Most Shocking Celebrity Stories of 2013 "

10 Katharine McPhee Caught Kissing Married Director

Katharine McPhee reportedly no longer seeing the film director

Katharine McPhee's clean-cut image was tarnished when she was captured on camera kissing "Smash" director Michael Morris. While a PDA-filled outing was not uncommon for celebrity couples, it could be scandalous when each of the pair was still married to his/her respective partner, which happened to be the case in McPhee's story. After news of the alleged cheating broke out, it was reported that the former "American Idol" finalist had separated from her husband for a while, and Morris was said being thrown out of the house by his wife Mary McCormack. In November, it was reported that McPhee and Morris were no longer seeing each other.

#9 Simon Cowell Expecting a Child With a Then-Married Woman

Simon Cowell and his girlfriend expecting first child together

Media was flooded with juicy stories from Simon Cowell in mid-2013. The judge on "The X Factor (US)" was reported expecting a child with Lauren Silverman who at that time was married to his friend Andrew Silverman. Cowell, who once said he did not want to get married or have kids, later confirmed that he would be a father. Silverman's divorce was finalized a few days before her baby shower in November. According to reports, Silverman and her former husband agreed to share custody of their 7-year-old son who would live mostly in New York with his father.

#8 Paris Jackson's Suicide Attempt

Paris Jackson downed pills and sliced her wrist

Michael Jackson was still a hot topic because of his wrongful death trial when his daughter Paris Jackson suddenly caught people's attention with an attempted suicide on June 5. The teenager reportedly sliced her wrist with kitchen knife and downed ibuprofen pills, but luckily she was saved. Paris was treated at a 72-hour psychiatric hold at Children's Hospital in Los Angeles before being transferred to UCLA. Reports ran rampant about what led the 15-year-old to try to take her own life, with some reports suggesting that she was stressed out about testifying in her father's wrongful death trial. She then enrolled in a therapeutic boarding school in Utah for teenager with similar problems. In November, it was reported that Paris might stay in the school for years as she had complex problems.

#7 Amanda Bynes' Bizarre Behaviors

Amanda Bynes called people 'ugly' in her tweets

Amanda Bynes showed signs of troubles since the beginning of 2013. The "Easy A" star at that time started calling fellow celebrities such as Drake, Jay-Z, Rihanna and even the Obamas "ugly" in her tweets and ripped others who reached out to her. The former child star additionally was obsessed with her appearance and plastic surgery. When she tried to set a fire in a stranger's driveway in late July, people finally realized that the star was not merely seeking attention, but she suffered from mental illness. Bynes was put under a psychiatric hold and she continued her treatment in a facility in August. The troubled starlet left rehab in December and continued her treatment as an outpatient. Following the release, Bynes planned to go to college to study fashion design.

#6 James Gandolfini Died During Italian Vacation

James Gandolfini died of heart attack

Most people know him for his role as a ruthless mafia leader on "The Sopranos", but in real life James Gandolfini was a sweet and caring person. Thus, many were in shock when he passed away during a vacation with his teenage son in Italy. The actor was found unconscious in a hotel's bathroom and was taken to hospital where he was pronounced dead, his management confirmed on June 19. Fans and fellow celebrities flooded Twitter with messages to express their condolences, while some TV projects he was working on were left in limbo following his sudden passing. A private memorial was held a Park Ridge funeral home and later was followed with a funeral service at the Cathedral Church of Saint John the Divine in New York City attended by his co-stars such as Edie Falco, Jamie-Lynn Sigler and Steve Buscemi. New Jersey Governor Chris Christie and actor Alec Baldwin also paid respects.

#5 Gia Allemand Took Her Own Life

Gia Allemand committed suicide

Gia Allemand had been living under the radar after her appearance on "The Bachelor". The former reality TV star, however, suddenly grabbed the headlines after she was reported being put under life support at University Hospital in New Orleans. Allemand sadly passed away August 14, two days after being rushed to the hospital. Details emerged later that she took her life by hanging herself using a vacuum cleaner cord. The star who competed in season 14 of the ABC dating show reportedly fought with her NBA player boyfriend Ryan Anderson before she committed suicide. Funeral service for Allemand was held at Chelsea's Trinity Grace Church in New York City on Thursday, August 22 with some fellow former "The Bachelor" stars in attendance.

#4 Clint and Dina Eastwood Split After 17 Years of Marriage

Clint and Dina Eastwood called it quits

There were no signs of troubles in Clint Eastwood and wife Dina Eastwood's marriage, but an online report of them living apart emerged in late August. Dina Eastwood filed for legal separation in September after 17 years of marriage, but she apparently had a change of heart and requested for dismissal in early October. It was not an act of reconciliation, though, since the former news anchor filed divorce papers later the same month. The couple has three children together and Dina seeks full custody of their daughter who is still a minor, Morgan.

#3 Cory Monteith Was Found Dead in a Hotel Room at 31 Years Old

Cory Monteith died of 'a mixed drug toxicity'

Those who cared so much about Cory Monteith had tried everything they could to get him free of drugs, but in the end the harmful substances claimed his life at such a young age of 31. The Canadian actor, who had addiction issue since he was a teen, apparently relapsed, but his girlfriend Lea Michele and others on "Glee" managed to convince him to seek help for substance abuse again. He seemed to be in high spirit after completing his treatment in April. Thus, people were taken aback when news broke out that he was found dead in a Vancouver hotel room on July 13. Authorities later determined that Monteith died of "a mixed drug toxicity, involving heroin and alcohol." Due to his sudden passing, FOX delayed the fifth season premiere of "Glee" as the show's writers discussed a proper way to bid farewell to the actor and his character Finn Hudson.

#2 Angelina Jolie's Double Mastectomy

Angelina Jolie underwent preventive double mastectomy

Angelina Jolie caused a buzz when announcing that she had undergone double mastectomy. In an op-ed posted on The New York Times on May 14, the "Tomb Raider" actress revealed that she had a high risk of developing breast cancer as well as ovarian cancer due to her family's health history, with her mother having had breast cancer and died from ovarian cancer. Therefore, the movie beauty which is famous for her killer body decided to take the preventive surgery so that she could spend more time with her children. By opening up about this, Jolie wanted to spread awareness and urge women to get tested. Many people applauded her action, including her fiance Brad Pitt and some other celebrities who praised her for going public with the story as well as making the choice.

#1 Paul Walker Died in Fiery Car Crash

Paul Walker died after attending charity event

Americans were still in celebratory mode after Thanksgiving feasts, but the mood suddenly turned somber after reports emerged that Paul Walker died in a car crash that also took the life of his friend Roger Rodas. The kind and generous "Fast and Furious" star was attending a charity event for his non-profit organization Reach Out Worldwide to help victims of typhoon Haiyan that weekend and the two car enthusiasts took a Porsche Carrera GT for a joyride. Former professional racer Rodas, who sat behind the wheel, apparently lost control and the car hit a light pole and a tree before it was engulfed in fire. Tyrese Gibson and Vin Diesel got emotional when they visited the crash site while Walker's other co-stars paid tribute with heartfelt messages on social media. According to autopsy results, the 40-year-old hunk died of traumatic and thermal injuries, leaving behind his teenage daughter.