Wednesday, July 30, 2014

MH17 was The Lost MH370 Plane?

Was MH17 Actually The Lost MAS Plane MH370?
The disappearance and resulting media circus of MH370 back in March 2014 feeds easily into whatever chosen conspiracy theory you want to believe about MH17. But should you believe in this particularly viral theory that claims that the MH17 was actually the lost MH370?
Every international disaster, regardless of its importance, produces its own stream of conspiracy theories. While some may be silly and innocuous, others are far more dangerous and appalling.
The theory holds that MH17 and MH370 are actually the same plane and that the U.S. military arranged for the second flight, filled with corpses, to be blown up over eastern Ukraine.
Furthermore, as consensus builds in the U.S. that pro-Russian rebels are responsible for shooting down MH17, Russians are embracing a smorgasbord of alternate explanations. Like: Maybe it was actually part of an assassination plot. Maybe those bodies were planted.
The scale and vicious nature of the myths woven in Russia and outside about the destruction of MH17 are simply breathtaking. For never before have so many conspiracy stories been created in such a short period of time and in such a brazen, cynical way.
It further claims that the crashed MH17 wreckage had a different configuration of windows than the actual MH17.
 It claims much, much more, and without any regard to the victims of both MAS tragedies. At the time of publishing this SAYS story, the conspiracy theory had been shared over 93K times on social media. So what is the truth behind it? How much of it is FACT or FAKE?

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