Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Eight Habits That Makes You Fat


 It's common knowledge that we has a weight problem. Most of us are obese... not just overwieght... but REALLY overweight! From documentaries like Super Size Me, alarming studies, and the controversy around school lunches, We has some serious issues with food. However, this list of eight bad habits that are making you fat can help you cut calories and lose weight. These are some of the reasons why we are fat.

No U.S. state has a prevalence of obesity under 20%. While it's obvious that "diets" aren't helping anyone, there are some fairly easy steps you can take to alter your diet to start whittling off pounds. If you really want to jump start weight loss, read through the list below and find out easy ways to lose weight.

This list has ways to lose weight today, just by recognizing that these eight habits are probably making you fat. From avoiding diet foods (yes, really), to getting a full night's sleep, eliminating these habits can help you lose weight quickly.

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