Wednesday, April 2, 2014

How celebrity cure his acne?

How celebrity cure his acne
How celebrity cure his acne
Many celebrity suffer of the acne, and they are a lot of roads to get rid of it :
First attack treatment
As a first step , it is advisable to clean the skin with mild soap and use a day cream and a non-comedogenic makeup. Your dermatologist will also offer local treatment (creams or gels) containing benzoyl peroxide to fight against the proliferation of bacteria.
Vitamin A or antibiotics for persistent acne
If your acne is inflammatory for several months , you may go through the box antibiotics . The duration of treatment is usually limited to three months . If resistant acne, a dermatologist will prescribe Accutane famous ( or generic ), composed of tretinoin, a derivative of vitamin A. careful because of the risk of fetal malformation , such treatment should be accompanied by effective contraception and , of course, it can not be prescribed to pregnant women.
Strong method for scars
In cases of severe acne and severe scarring , peeling can be performed in your dermatologist . If the scars are deep, you will be advised strong method: dermabrasion . This surgical technique involves removing the top layer of the dermis, requires several weeks of healing and prevents social life for several days.

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