After thousand of years, the lights of hope shine upon human race once again. Slowly, with a loud thump of a thunder the dark cloud that have been covering them for decades.
Out of nowhere, comes a young man with full of charm takes the runway down. people applaused and cheered for him.
But, without warning came out a monster and ate up the young man leaving nothing behind and fly away back to it's nest. Thank you for reading this shitty story. Watch out its next sequel Lala and the Siput: Comes to the Rescue.
Out of nowhere, comes a young man with full of charm takes the runway down. people applaused and cheered for him.
But, without warning came out a monster and ate up the young man leaving nothing behind and fly away back to it's nest. Thank you for reading this shitty story. Watch out its next sequel Lala and the Siput: Comes to the Rescue.
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