Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Pictures worth a Thousand Words

hey there...uh huh...i guess i have found another hobby that really intrigue me rite now.. my new hobby is my cam canon s5 which is a prosumer cam and what a cam it is some pic that i taken with the goes nuthin..

this pics taken sumtimes in feb '08 wif my stooges at OU, bandar utama..personally i love this one because of the composition and the relax emotion from this pics. and this pics also is in honorable mentions in one of photography enthusiast websites. what a feeling to have tha honor. it keeps me wanting to take great pics more. and also thanks to the model as well for posing nicely. thank guys.

sumhow i felt like photography is close to me and i know i meant for's another pics that i have taken..

for this one i was on a car when i saw this myv speeding off..its a long stretch of road sumwhere in kuala gula. great for testing ur rides to the max!!
well i think that is it for this post. will post other pics as well. c&c are welcome as i am still the learning process.

Resident Evil: Extinction by mychia

Resident Evil: Extinction by mychia

Resident Evil: Extinction by mychia

Tori amos sinful attraction tour 2009 074 red bank nj by kristenkeys

tori amos sinful attraction tour 2009 074 red bank nj by kristenkeys

tori amos sinful attraction tour 2009 074 red bank nj by kristenkeys

Sunday, April 27, 2008